Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Box Clever

Taking inspiration from the idea of 'playing around', that came out of my Rough Guide research, I put together my box of things to play with for our second project: Box Clever. The week of drawing I just did was all based on the objects I collected for my box...so here's a view of what's inside!

My objects

Close up
I wanted to collect things that made me happy, and made me want to pick them up and play with them! My box in 6 words would probably be: fun, bright, crazy, energy, interactive, playful. I chose a clear plastic box, as I wanted the contents to be visible from the outside, intriguing people and inviting them to open it up. From the curious glances directed my way when carrying my box in on the tube each morning, I think it has had the desired effect. 

Everything and the box
Some of the objects are actually toys I shared with my brother when I was younger. I have many happy memories of us setting up brio train tracks all over the house. Lots of the things in my box move, or are meant for movement. They can be blown or shaken or wound or stacked. It felt important to me that the objects weren't just static and still- the whole idea of 'playing' involves involvement! This made it quite interesting to begin drawing from my objects, as I was thinking about how I could manipulate and respond to them as I drew.

Everything IN the box

I decorated the outside of my box with some sparkly streamers and stickers. This has given it a bit of a celebratory, child's party-bag kind of feel. I like that the box unfolds in different layers as it opens- suddenly you are faced with a whole spread of quirky little things. I've had fun putting my box together...now hopefully I will have fun deriving design inspiration from it!

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